The Left Hand of God (by Sharon Abreu)

I want to sit at the Left Hand of God. (2 x)
I want to live my life in peace,
Feel anxiety release,
In kindness, compassion and love.
Why would I go anywhere else,
If I knew my way home,
If I knew myself?
I want to sit at the Left Hand of God. (2x)
I’m gonna let the tears flow,
In joy or sadness, let them go,
Let the waters of life be set free.
At the Left Hand of God,
That’s where you’ll find me.
Won’t you join me? (2 x)
As I join with the Divine,
In a New Bottom Line,
I see forgiveness unfold all around me.
And my heart, free from sin,
Begins to let love in.
I find meaning in this life of mine,
Gonna stop and take some time,
Appreciate the grand design.
And sit at the Left Hand of God,
Sit at the Left Hand of God.
Why would I go anywhere else,
If I knew my way home,
If I knew myself?
I’m gonna sit at the Left Hand of God. (2x)
The light of Heaven on my face,
I see the whole human race
Glow with generosity, heal all animosity,
Celebrate civility, embrace sustainability,
Feel the Earth’s pulse beating in our heart,
Hear it singing, “We were never apart.”
And we’ll sit at the Left Hand of God,
We’ll sit at the Left Hand of God.
Why would I go anywhere else,
If I knew my way home,
If I knew myself?
Shalom aleichem, (Tr.: Peace be upon you)
As salaam aleikum, (Tr.: Peace be upon you)
Paz, liebe, libertad, (Tr.: Peace, love, freedom)
Here at the Left Hand of God. (3 x)