At this very moment, hundreds of mothers and children are being separated from one another by a truly unconscionable decision of the Trump administration to separate children from their parents when coming to this country fleeing violence and seeking asylum. These children, some as young as 53 weeks old, do not know if they will ever see their mothers or fathers again and are being warehoused in cages with metallic blankets.

We have decided to see if there might be a way to reach Ivanka Trump. She is in a unique position to influence her father, and as a mother and self-identified feminist, perhaps if we speak to her with compassion she just might open her heart and be moved enough to try to convince her father to change his policy. Here is the letter I tweeted to her in an effort to encourage her to act.
So we have started a campaign – #IvankaReuniteRefugeeChildren.
This campaign has four components.
- Tweet (or send a Facebook message or post) to @IvankaTrump with the hastag #IvankaReuniteRefugeeChildren. If she were to receive millions of tweets and messages, she just might be moved.
- Include in the tweet/post your own message, a picture of you with your children, or other image that could awaken her compassion.
- Sign this petition calling on her to speak with her father
- Share this on Facebook and Twitter
In addition to the attempt to influence Ivanka, you can also join events on June 14th around the country challenging this policy. To find an event near you, click here. To build a world based on love, care, kindness, generosity, and social, economic, and environmental justice, we must take action in ways that embody that world.
Thanks for all you are doing in these incredibly taxing and trying times.